How to create a Sender ID

To start sending, you need to create a Sender ID in your Messaggio dashboard.

You can create a Sender ID on the channel you would like to use for messaging. Sender moderation process depends on channel terms and requirements.

To create the Sender ID, go to the «Senders» section and click «Create».

Select a channel and enter the name which you want to use for messaging. The Sender's ID must be consistent with the name of the legal entity, brand, line of business, or site domain.

Enter the sender profile details: website and description. Add a logo and chatscreen that will be displayed in your messenger business profile. The logo should be 130x130px. Acceptable formats for logo and chatscreen: * .jpg, * .png. The maximum file size is 4Mb.

Learn more about the Sender ID registration process:

Next Post: How long does it take to check the application for Sender ID