How to Write a Good Text for a Mass Messaging Campaign

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To get a high conversion rate from instant messenger-based mass texting through, you need not only to choose the right messaging channel but also to thoughtfully compose a text that will captivate users. This article will teach you, how.

What makes instant messengers useful for business

Mass texting campaigns are tasked with delivering useful content to the client at a
convenient time. Services for mass messaging are excellent for this purpose and they have already become a familiar means of communication for multi-million audiences. Take WhatsApp which has more than 27 million monthly users, or Viber which has 19.9 million.

Texts in instant messengers have a character limit, yet they are significantly longer than a standard SMS. At the same time, you can set up cascading messages: this will ensure maximum audience coverage without unnecessary expenses. The gist of this method is if a client couldn’t receive a message via one messaging channel, that text will be transferred to the next one in priority.

Instant messengers allow you to send not only promotional campaigns but also service messages, including:

  • transaction confirmation;
  • technical support response;
  • delivery notification;
  • reminders about appointments, events, or other matters.

By using mass messaging in a marketing communications strategy, the business establishes a close connection with customers, incidentally receiving more data on their preferences, which allows making offers even more relevant.

How to choose a messaging channel

For lengthy messages, it is better to use email. This messaging channel, for instance, works for email blasts about a new product arrival. A user will choose the time when they can take a few minutes to explore the catalog and click the nested links. Instant messengers and SMS are good for promotional and transactional messages that require immediate reaction. These channels can also be utilized if the user hasn’t read the email for some reason.

When choosing a channel for mass messaging, focus on the size and urgency of the information you want to convey. Also, consider the devices that your target audience uses most for visiting your site. If the largest share is mobile traffic, then WhatsApp or Viber will work better for communication.

Do you want to achieve a high conversion of SMS messaging?

Use ready-made examples of SMS texts to customers, which were prepared by Messaggio specialists. The texts of the messages are composed in such a way as to attract the recipient’s attention at first glance and achieve a targeted action.
SMS examples

5 tips on creating a text for mass messaging

To make recipients willing to read the message and make a target action, use these simple recommendations.

  1. The gist of the proposal should fit in the first two lines
  2. The first sentence forms the general impression. Use that sentence to immediately identify the benefits that the client will receive. After revealing the gist, proceed to an in-depth explanation. Starting from the third line, you can decipher the promotional terms, list the conditions, and name the ways to get discounts. You can also talk about the advantages of the product or service. If the user becomes instantly interested, they will most likely read the text till the end.

  3. Use brand or company name
  4. Put it in your Sender ID which can be registered through a mass messaging service. Consider whether your target audience isn’t primarily English-speaking if your messaging campaign is sent via an SMS channel. In that case, write the brand name in the audience’s primary language: messages from an unclear sender invoke negativity and distrust. You can also specify the sender in the message text.

  5. Be concise
  6. Make no mistake: users aren’t sitting all day waiting for messages — they got things to do. Therefore, short messages are more likely to be read. One SMS segment is limited to 160 Latin and 70 Cyrillic characters. Two or three segments are enough for a promotional message.

    Examples of messages: 1-3 tips

  7. Ditch creativity
  8. Long witty slogans, metaphors, and other expressive means are good for TV or print. In SMS, Viber, and WhatsApp mass messaging text, put the maximum usefulness in a minimum of characters.

  9. Minimize capital letters, shortened words, and abbreviations
  10. A text written in ALL CAPS gets interpreted as a raised tone. Highlighting the promo code will be enough. If you can’t do without shortened words and abbreviations, they must be widely recognized; otherwise, the message will be like a spy code that the user is unlikely eager to crack.

    Examples of messages: 4-5 tips

3 common mistakes in creating mass message texts

To avoid channeling a negative message to clients, avoid:

  1. Excessive familiarity. No need to address the reader with “you” if it is not part of the company’s tone of voice. Pay attention to how you address customers at every touchpoint, and use a similar tone in messengers;
  2. Far-fetched occasions. For example, no need to text that this season will be rainy, thus umbrellas are a must-buy. Clients are already aware of the common Autumn weather. For a mass messaging promotional campaign, start the message with valuable facts like product information, the cost, and the campaign terms;
  3. Texting as if you’re an acquaintance or relative. By writing something along the lines of “Hi, I bought a dress for 10 bucks and there’re also discounts on men’s T-shirts in the store”, you won’t be able to conceal the marketing nature of the message — but you will definitely invoke negativity.

Don’t forget to use facts and figures when compiling a promotional message. Be specific about the product’s cost, the discount percentage, and the campaign dates. At the same time, it’s important to stress that the offer is limited, and the exclusive conditions are applied to the message recipients only. Finish the message with direct contacts and links where the client can get more detailed information. Otherwise, the messaging campaign will be useless: the user will not feel the need to do the next step and take the advantage of the offer.

Where to get a ready-made text for mass messaging

If you don’t know how to compose a message correctly, use ready-made examples. The Messaggio service has a special site section with a collection of clickable SMS texts. They will help you with the high conversion of your mass messaging campaign, and with saving time on composing the text.

This template is available to anyone who has signed up and created a personal account in the Messaggio service. In the list, select your business area. It can be healthcare, education, HoReCa, B2B, and others. After that, fill in these required fields in the builder:

  • Brand name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Website

Put your company’s info in them. Copy the template and paste it into the Text field in your dashboard. To fill in the variables — [[DATE]], [[FIRST_NAME]], and others — assign appropriate values for them in the contact list. After you import the list to the mass messaging service, the assigned additional information will show up next to each contact.

Note that SMS templates can be edited right in the builder. They already contain variables that work for most common campaigns. If your conditions differ, you will be able to adjust the text yourself.

Bottom line

To achieve a high conversion rate when sending mass texts via instant messengers, try to aim the text at a specific audience. Write concisely, and add as many specifics as possible. Before sending, check the message preview. Try to look at it from the client’s perspective, and see whether it is interesting to read the text.

Experiment with messaging channels and launch time to find the most suitable format. Cut the work on creating mass messaging campaigns, and use ready-made Messaggio templates that have proven their effectiveness.

Ready to start mass messaging campaign?

Tell us about your task and we will offer a suitable solution.

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