Messaging in Mozambique

High-quality SMS delivery to Mozambique and multichannel business messages routing to Whatsapp,
Viber and RCS with low prices and exceptional Messaggio platform capacity.

Mobile operators users (Ths.)

Mobile market shares

Message pricing
  • SMS from € 0.08000
  • Viber from € 0.01500
  • WhatsApp from € 0.04929
  • RCS price on request
See pricng

Mozambique on the world map

Country info

Country info
Maputo timezoneGMT+2
Current time27/07 02:25
CurrencyMT (MZN)
Population30 066 648
Cellular users11 633 000
Mobile penetration38.69%
Country info
Country codeMZ
Calling code+258
Mobile number portability, MNPNo
Mobile country code, MCC643
Start messaging in Mozambique

Major mobile carriers in Mozambique

Check the best prices on business messaging for mCel, Movitel, Vodacom and other carriers in Mozambique

MCCMNCMCCMNCCarrierOther names
6430164301Bulk and OTP SMS on mCel via MessaggiomCelMocambique Celular
6430364303Bulk and OTP SMS on Movitel via MessaggioMovitel
6430464304Bulk and OTP SMS on Vodacom via MessaggioVodacom

MCCMNC in Mozambique

There are no MVNO (Mobile virtual network operators) in Mozambique. Virtual operators might either obtain dedicated MCCMNC code, or just a white-label from some of the carriers.

View SMS pricing in Mozambique

64301, 64303, 64304

  • 2FA (Two factors authentification)
  • OTP (One time password)
  • A2P (Application to persons)
  • P2A (Persons to application)
  • RBM (Rich business messaging)

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We believe that we can find an effective messaging solution for your business.
Contact us to discuss a Win-Win partnership!

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How to send messages in Mozambique


Create account

Sign up for Messaggio for free, no need credit card required

Create account

Register a Sender name

Choose a Sender name for SMS channel, usually it's a website address or brand

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Launch SMS messaging

Create an SMS campaign in Messaggio Dashboard, setup plugin or integrate an API

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Plugins & Modules

Easy integration without code! Try business messaging plugins for popular CRM, website and online shop management systems.

View plugins catalogue

SMS messaging

The most common communication channel, for both mass-sendings and trigger notifications.

Viber Business Messages

A wide range of business tools: in-app advertising, notifications and chat with clients in the messenger.

WhatsApp Business API

Chatting and interactive notification messages in one of the most popular instant messengers.