Web push notifications

Visit our project’s website to know how web push notifications can improve your marketing campaigns.

Messaggio.com Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Action buttons


Quick action buttons: call, calendar event, map location or web link.

Upsale tools

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Interactive “carousel” to offer additional services and products.

Rich content

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Product card consists of images, title, description and buttons.

Extended statuses

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Fastest & trusted DLR message statuses: accepted/rejected, delivered, etc. Viber accepts messages in less than 3 seconds or answers “not Viber user”.

Native messaging app

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No extra application required, business messaging available in the default “Messages” App.

Push notification

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Notifications attract user attention and force users read them.

Looking for reliable SMS messaging channel?

We provide SMS messaging to all destinations and quality Zero-Hop connections. Contact us today and get the best price offer.