Messaging in Russian Federation
High-quality SMS delivery to Russian Federation and multichannel business messages routing to Whatsapp,
Viber and RCS with low prices and exceptional Messaggio platform capacity.
Mobile operators users (Ths.)
Mobile market shares
- SMS from € 0.22857
- Viber from € 0.03160
- WhatsApp from € 0.05405
- RCS price on request
The price is flexible, please confirm the current price per message with the manager
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Country info
Capital | Moscow |
Language | Russian |
Moscow timezone | GMT+3 |
Current time | 12/03 07:20 |
Currency | ₽ (RUB) |
VAT | 20.00% |
Population | 146 745 098 |
Cellular users | 257 570 000 |
Mobile penetration | 175.52% |
Country code | RU |
Calling code | +7 |
Mobile number portability, MNP | No |
Mobile country code, MCC | 250 |
Major mobile carriers in Russian Federation
Check the best prices on business messaging for MTS, MegaFon, VainahTelecom and other carriers in Russian Federation
MCCMNC | MCC | MNC | Carrier | Other names |
250 | 01 | МТС | Mobile Telesystems, Мобильные Телесистемы | |
25004 | 250 | 04 | Sibchallenge (Сибчелендж), acquired by MTS 2003 | |
25092 | 250 | 92 | Primtelefon (Примтелефон; Сотовая Связь Приморья), acquired by MTS 2004 | |
25093 | 250 | 93 | Telecom XXI (Телеком XXI), acquired by MTS 2001 | |
250 | 02 | МегаФон | North-West GSM, Северо-Западный GSM | |
25030 | 250 | 30 | OSTELECOM (Остелеком), owned by Megafon, disputed South Osetia region only | |
250802 | 250 | 802 | MCS Povolzhie (МСС-Поволжье), acquired by MegaFon 2009 | |
250803 | 250 | 803 | Mobicom-Caucasus (Мобиком-Кавказ), acquired by MegaFon 2009 | |
250804 | 250 | 804 | Sonic Duo (Соник Дуо), ex Megafon Central region | |
25091 | 250 | 91 | Sonic Duo (Соник Дуо), ex Megafon Central region | |
250 | 08 | Вайнах Телеком | covers Kavkaz republics only | |
25022 | 250 | 22 | ||
250 | 20 | Теле2 | T2, RTK, Rostelecom, RT Mobile, Rostov Cellular Communications, RCC, Т2, РТК, Ростелеком, РТ-Мобайл, Ростовская сотовая связь, РСС Skylink and set of regional networks were acquired by Tele2 in 2010-2015 | |
25003 | 250 | 03 | NCC; Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications; Aline GSM (НСС; Нижегородская сотовая связь; Элайн GSM), acquired by Tele2 2014 | |
25005 | 250 | 05 | Mobile Comms System; ETK; Yeniseytelecom; RT-Mobile (ЕТК; Енисейтелеком; РТ-Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 2014 | |
25009 | 250 | 09 | Khabarovsky Cellular Phone; Delta Telecom (Хабаровский сотовый телефон; Дельта Телеком), acquired by Skylink 2008/Tele2 2014 | |
25010 | 250 | 10 | ||
25012 | 250 | 12 | Baykal Westcom; BWK; BWC; Far Eastern Cellular; Ulan-Ude cellular; Sibirtelecom; AKOS (БайкалВестКом; БВК; Дальсвязь; Улан-Удэнская сотовая сеть; Сибирьтелеком; АКОС), acquired by Tele2 2014 | |
25015 | 250 | 15 | SMARTS consisted of 15 networks, that were sold separately to MTS/Beeline/Tele2/MegaFon | |
25017 | 250 | 17 | USI; UTel; Uralsvyazinform; Ermak RMS (УСИ; Ютел; УралСвязьИнформ; Ермак), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 | |
25019 | 250 | 19 | INDIGO; Volgograd Mobile; Altaysvyaz (Индиго; Волгоград GSM; Алтайсвязь), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2003-6 | |
25038 | 250 | 38 | Tambov GSM; Central Telecommunication Company (Тамбов GSM; Центральная Телекоммуникационная Компания), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 | |
25039 | 250 | 39 | USI; UTel; Uralsvyazinform; Ermak RMS; Apeks (УСИ; Ютел; УралСвязьИнформ; Ермак; Апекс), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 | |
250805 | 250 | 805 | RTCOM (ртком), acquired by NCC, then Tele2 | |
250806 | 250 | 806 | Smolensk Cellular (Смоленская Сотовая Связь), acquired by Tele2 | |
250807 | 250 | 807 | ST Mobile (СТ Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 | |
250808 | 250 | 808 | Siberian Cellular Comms (Сибирская Сотовая Связь), acquired by Tele2 | |
250810 | 250 | 810 | Tatincom-T (Татинком-Т), acquired by NCC, then Tele2 | |
250811 | 250 | 811 | Votek Mobile (Вотек Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 2004 | |
25098 | 250 | 98 | Baykal Westcom; BWK; BWC (БайкалВестКом; БВК), acquired by Tele2 2014 | |
250 | 27 | Летай | TMT, Tattelekom, Smarts-Kazan, ТМТ, Таттелеком, Смартс-Казань, Твои мобильные технологии | |
25054 | 250 | 54 | Tattelecom | |
25032 | 250 | 32 | K-Telecom, К-Телеком disputed Krym region only | |
25033 | 250 | 33 | Севмобайл | Sevtelekomsvyaz, СевТелеком Связь, Севастополь Телеком, ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ТЕЛЕКОМУНИКАЦИИ, Элемтэ-Инвест disputed Krym region only |
25034 | 250 | 34 | Крымтелеком | disputed Krym region only |
25035 | 250 | 35 | Мотив | EKATERINBURG-2000, Екатеринбург-2000 |
25043 | 250 | 43 | Sprint, EZ PHONE MOBILE, Спринт, EZ PHONE MOBILE international calls | |
25060 | 250 | 60 | Волна Мобайл | KTK Telecom, КТК ТЕЛЕКОМ disputed Krym region only |
250 | 99 | Билайн | Veon, VimpelCom, New Telephone Company, NTC, ВымпелКом, Новая телефонная компания, НТК | |
25028 | 250 | 28 | Extel; Antares (Экстел; Антарес), acquired by Beeline 2005 | |
250801 | 250 | 801 | EastWest Telecom (Восток-Запад Телеком), acquired by Beeline 2006 | |
250809 | 250 | 809 | Corporation Severnaya Corona (Корпорация Северная корона), acquired by Beeline 2007 |
MCCMNC in Russian Federation
There are 31 MVNOs (Mobile virtual network operators) in Russian Federation. Virtual operators might either obtain dedicated MCCMNC code, or just a white-label from one of the carriers, without mobile network code.
View SMS pricing in Russian Federation25001, 25002, 25008, 25020, 25027, 25032, 25033, 25034, 25035, 25043, 25060, 25061, 25099
- 2FA (Two factors authentification)
- OTP (One time password)
- A2P (Application to persons)
- P2A (Persons to application)
- RBM (Rich business messaging)
MVNO Mobile virtual network operators in Russian Federation
MVNO is an addition to a regular telecom operator, which is a different on the same physical network.
The biggest difference between the different MVNOs is that they don’t have their own dedicated base stations, cell towers, or transmitters.
There are 2 different types of MVNOs: independent networks with their own network code and call routing, or a network with only a base operator SIM card with a different design.
MVNOs have their own autonomous network for sending shorter messages (including RCS and SMS), and utilize their operator’s parent network.
Users usually don’t understand the difference between MVNO and the main operator brands – they just compare the rates.
MVNO tariffs are very profitable locally, but even more expensive are the roaming tariffs that are pricier than the parent operator.
MVNOs also change brands a lot, and in the column of the “Other Names” table you’ll see the prior names of the virtual operator (if there are any).
Sometimes the operator purchases a MVNO company based solely on its network. They then merge their own brand with this new one they’ve purchased. When this happens, the MVNO no longer exists as a separator operator, and a brand-new entry is added to the MCCMNC networks that the operator has.
Obsolete, inactive and special types of mobile operators in Russian Federation
MCCMNC | MCC | MNC | Carrier | Other names |
2500204 | 250 | 0204 | VK Mobile | defunct as of 09.2018 |
25007 | 250 | 07 | Gals Telecom | broadband, service network |
25014 | 250 | 14 | Skynet | broadband internet |
25016 | 250 | 16 | MiATel | broadband internet |
2502014 | 250 | 2014 | MS Spetstelecom | government authorities mobile supply |
25021 | 250 | 21 | Globaltel | RTCOMM, GlobalStar, РТКОММ, ГлобалСтар satellite mobile |
25024 | 250 | 24 | Quantek | cloud telephony, business services, sms |
25037 | 250 | 37 | MCN Telecom | cloud telephony, business services, sms |
25040 | 250 | 40 | Osnova Telecom | VoenTelecom, Воентелеком military network |
25049 | 250 | 49 | Plusofon | Internode, Runexis, Интернод, Рунексис cloud business services |
25051 | 250 | 51 | Center2m | m2m, video monitoring |
25052 | 250 | 52 | Easy4 | Sonet, СОНЕТ bankrupt; network down |
25058 | 250 | 58 | Transneft Telecom | Sigma Telecom, Сигма Телеком infrastructure network |
25059 | 250 | 59 | WiFire | NetByNet, Нэт Бай Нэт owned by Megafon, NetByNet - b2b, WiFire - b2c |
25061 | 250 | 61 | Intertelecom | disputed Krym region only; CDMA; defunct as of 01/2018 |
25077 | 250 | 77 | Glonass | satellite; vehicle based communications; telemetry |
There are cases when mobile network codes are occupied not by mobile carriers, but government structures (military, railway, landline phone authorities), fixed and broadband internet providers, scientific organisations, etc. Some MCCMNCs belong to obsolete legal entities, acquired by other market players or went to bankruptcy, but codes are kept for a certain period for legacy purposes.
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How to send messages in Russian Federation
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SMS messaging
The most common communication channel, for both mass-sendings and trigger notifications.
Viber Business Messages
A wide range of business tools: in-app advertising, notifications and chat with clients in the messenger.
WhatsApp Business API
Chatting and interactive notification messages in one of the most popular instant messengers.