Правила та умови розсилки

Сервіс мультиканальною розсилки заснований на розмаїтті технологій телекомунікації та Інтернету. В описі сервісу ми часто використовуємо абревіатури, з якими знайомі не всі. Тут представлений глосарій термінів і роз'яснень, що застосовуються в галузі.
Ви можете створити обліковий запис і надсилати SMS своїм клієнтам через особистий кабінет, плагін або інтеграцію API.


Simple Network Management Protocol is the Internet standard protocol developed to manage nodes (servers, workstations, routers, switches, hubs, etc.) on IP networks. It enables network administrators to manage network performance, find and solve network problems, and plan for network growth. SNMP works by sending Protocol Data Units (PDUs) messages to different parts of a network. Agents, SNMP-compliant devices, store data about themselves in Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.

SNMP v3 has three different security levels:

NoAuthNoPriv – Stands for No Authentication, No Privacy. No authentication is required and messages are not encrypted. For obvious reasons, this should only be used in closed, secure networks.

AuthNoPriv – Stands for Authentication, No Privacy. Messages must be authenticated to be acted upon; however, they are not encrypted during transmission. Theoretically, a malicious actor could still intercept data that was sent between agent and manager during authorized transmissions but could not introduce additional Get or Set requests.

AuthPriv – Stands for Authentication and Privacy. This is the most secure implementation of SNMPv3. SNMP messages must be authenticated and all data is encrypted during transmission. This way, a malicious actor is prevented from sending their own Get or Set requests and from seeing the data generated by legitimate requests.

A network normally has at least one computer or server running monitoring software. It is the managing entity. A network will also most probably have a few, or many, or even really many, other devices: switches, routers, workstations, server racks, printers, coffee machines, or anything else that needs to be monitored. They are the managed devices.

SNMP messages are sent and received between so-called managers and agents. Usually, the SNMP manager in the network is installed on the managing entity and the SNMP agents are installed on the managed devices.

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