Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Rich Communication Services
Business Messaging

RCS – enhanced messaging solution allows you to interact with your customers, send them account or service updates, promotional vouchers, tickets from your branded RCS sender ID with logo and company info. Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Multimedia content

The message may contain an image, video file, document or geolocation. Huge opportunities for message template design!

Interactive communication

Keep chatting with your customers via RCS. Organize customer support through a native messaging app.

Marketing campaigns

Create great marketing campaigns, take advantage of the rich business messaging technology in your business.

Enhanced analytics

Messaggio real-time statistics are available not only for the “sent” and “delivered” message statuses, but also “Viewed” and so on.

Native app for all messages

The most important advantage of RCS technology is a message delivery into the native “Messages” application, which is available on any Android smartphone on the first screen.

Unlike messengers such as WhatsApp and Viber, which are undoubtedly very popular, the standard “Messages” application is installed by default on all Android smartphones and may receive RCS business messages without any additional settings.

The standard application accommodates user chats with friends, family and colleagues, as well as SMS or RCS RBM notifications from the businesses. Such business messages are highlighted in the chat list using the branded sender ID.

Read next: RCS branded sender ID Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Branded RCS RBM sender ID

Branding the Sender ID is a great opportunity provided by RCS RBM technology. Unlike SMS, where only an alpha-numeric code was available for brand identity, the RCS RBM senders can be widely branded.

A lot of options for styling chats and profiles of the RCS RBM sender IDs:

  • Brand logo
  • Hero image (profile cover)
  • Company description
  • Website link
  • Contact emails (more than one)
  • Contact phones (more than one)
  • Chat dialog color scheme
  • Terms of service link
  • Privacy policy link

If a user’s device doesn’t support RCS messages, you can send transparent fallback to SMS using Messagio. Thus, your marketing campaign covers 100% of the recipients.

Read next: “Verified” badge Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

“Verified” badge for RCS RBM senders

Registering your sender name for RCS business messaging is the approach to receive a verification badge.

An application for registering a brand name for RCS RBM includes contact details and a description of the business, as well as certain emails from your company confirming brand ownership are required later on.

This approach allows to achieve significantly better protection both for businesses and their customers from fraudulent third-party actions. Whenever your customers receive RCS business messages from your brand with “V” mark, it insures good authority of the message.

Read next: Rich card carousels Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging. Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Rich card carousels

Carousel is the most powerful tool in RCS business messaging. Scrollable and attractive content with images, texts and CTA (Click-to-action) buttons yields an incredible conversion.

Google RCS RBM technology allows combining up to 10 rich cards in a single message to the client. Every rich card may contain up to 2 CTA buttons as suggested actions.

At the moment, none of the OTT messengers give businesses such a tool for upsales, customer support and marketing campaigns. An additional advantage is that carousels are natively integrated into the “Messages” app that is standard on each phone, therefore, no extra steps are required to receive a rich card carousel from the branded sender ID.

Read next: suggested actions in RCS RBM Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Suggested actions

A great opportunity to offer several ways to proceed further with your message: up to 5 suggested actions may be linked to one RCS RBM message.

Each action contains a name, tracking identifier and the necessary parameters that correspond to the essence of the action: geolocation coordinates, phone number to call or text, calendar event or quick response text.

More available suggested actions:

  • Quick reply to the chat
  • URL web link (opens in browser)
  • Add the calendar event
  • User’s current geolocation details
  • Map view (coordinates provided)
  • Dial a number
Read next: Extended delivery statuses Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Extended delivery statuses

The RCS RBM technology allows business to obtain significantly more detailed information regarding the message delivery status comparing to SMS.

Statuses and utm tags in suggested actions help business to better analyze customer engagement and supplement marketing research with precise data on user behavior.

If the client replies and starts conversation with the brand, those messages have delivery statuses displayed in a very common way to the client: Sent, Received, Delivered, Read.

Message delivery statuses (to the client’s device):

  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Read
  • RCS not enabled, etc.
Read next: chatting with a brand Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Chatting with a brand

Your business can use chatbots, live agents or other support service to maintain conversations with the clients.

It’s a new user experience of interacting with your business in a comfortable surroundings of customary practice.

Many processes that are significant for the business, but time-consuming for the client, may be shifted to a chat. Native communication convenience increases customer loyalty to the brand and assists upsales.

Read next: SMS fallback Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Media and file transfer

Omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

Odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

SMS fallback

RCS is a wonderful technology that gives a lot of opportunities for businesses to communicate with individuals.

It’s a totally new customer experience of interacting with your business in a native chat manner.

Still not all mobile devices and carriers comply with this standard yet. In order to reach the recipient in any way, a business has a solution of using a bunch of RCS RBM followed by SMS messaging via Messaggio multichannel messaging platform.

Whereas basic SMS message from the brand does not look as attractive as RCS RBM, the important information will be delivered to the customers.

Check out our solution Verified SMS by Google and find how Messaggio helps you to set up RCS RBM sender, SMS sender and fallback to SMS.

Back to: Native app for messages Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.
If recipient’s device is not RCS enabled,
then send regular SMS: Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.

Create account

Sign up to Messaggio for free, no credit card required.

Create account

Submit RCS Sender ID

Choose the brand name and phone number for RCS messaging.

More info

Launch RCS business messaging

Start using Messaggio dashboard or set up API or plugin integration to your system.

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Viber плагіни та модулі

Проста інтеграція без коду! Спробуйте плагіни для обміну діловими повідомленнями для популярних систем управління CRM, веб-сайтами та інтернет-магазинами.

Подивитись каталог плагінів Multichannel messaging platform. Viber, WhatsApp, SMS & RCS business messaging.
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Подорожі та туризм

Смартфоны — незаменимые помощники в планировании поездок, начиная с этапов выбора направления и заканчивая прибытием в место назначения. Узнайте, как использовать SMS-маркетинг, чтобы сделать поездку клиента комфортнее, и о том, какие преимущества есть у рассылок в индустрии туризма.

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Охорона здоров’я

Медичні організації часто проводять кампанії зі зменшення кількості пропущених зустрічей. Ця проблема легко вирішується шляхом розсилки нагадувань в улюблений месенджер клієнта клініки. Розглянемо докладніше, як поліпшити якість послуг за допомогою розсилки повідомлень.
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Виставки та конференції

Розсилки в месенджери і SMS-ефективний інструмент в управлінні заходами, що дозволяє забезпечити максимальну відвідуваність і тримати всіх учасників в курсі подій. Розберемося, як залучити аудиторію і підвищити впізнаваність вашого бренду за допомогою Мобільного Маркетингу.

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