Правила та умови розсилки

Сервіс мультиканальною розсилки заснований на розмаїтті технологій телекомунікації та Інтернету. В описі сервісу ми часто використовуємо абревіатури, з якими знайомі не всі. Тут представлений глосарій термінів і роз'яснень, що застосовуються в галузі.
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Unlike multi-channel marketing, omni-channel marketing is about giving app users one experience on all (omni) channels. Omnichannel marketing means providing potential customers with an integrated brand experience that is seamless, whether they’re on desktop or mobile phone or any other device.

Both multichannel and omnichannel marketing use multiple channels to reach potential customers, but they’re very different when it comes to strategy and execution.

Omnichannel marketing unifies campaigns and messaging across channels to deliver a complete, consistent customer experience. With omnichannel, the focus is on building a stronger brand relationship by ensuring customers receive the same experience and messaging on every single channel and device, and not just with marketing, but across PR, product, customer support, and sales.

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