Messaging in Luxembourg

High-quality SMS delivery to Luxembourg and multichannel business messages routing to Whatsapp,
Viber and RCS with low prices and exceptional Messaggio platform capacity.

Mobile operators users (Ths.)

Mobile market shares

Message pricing
  • SMS from € 0.02143
  • Viber from € 0.01580
  • WhatsApp from € 0.01971
  • RCS price on request

The price is flexible, please confirm the current price per message with the manager

See pricng

Luxembourg on the world map

Country info

Country info
  • German
  • Luxembourgish
  • French
Luxembourg timezoneGMT+1
Current time06/03 10:30
Currency€ (EUR)
Population626 108
Cellular users606 000
Mobile penetration96.79%
Country info
Country codeLU
Calling code+352
Mobile number portability, MNPYes
Mobile country code, MCC270
Start messaging in Luxembourg

Major mobile carriers in Luxembourg

Check the best prices on business messaging for POST, Tango, Mitto and other carriers in Luxembourg

MCCMNCMCCMNCCarrierOther names
2700127001Bulk and OTP SMS on POST via MessaggioPOSTLuxGSM, P&TLuxembourg

In 2013, P&T and LuxGSM merged into a single brand

2707727077Bulk and OTP SMS on Tango via MessaggioTango

MNC also used in Begium

2707927079Bulk and OTP SMS on Mitto via MessaggioMitto
2709927099Bulk and OTP SMS on Orange via MessaggioOrangeVOXmobile

MCCMNC in Luxembourg

There are 2 MVNOs (Mobile virtual network operators) in Luxembourg. Virtual operators might either obtain dedicated MCCMNC code, or just a white-label from one of the carriers, without mobile network code.

View SMS pricing in Luxembourg

27001, 27007, 27077, 27079, 27099

  • 2FA (Two factors authentification)
  • OTP (One time password)
  • A2P (Application to persons)
  • P2A (Persons to application)
  • RBM (Rich business messaging)

MVNO Mobile virtual network operators in Luxembourg

MVNO is an add-on over a real telecom operator, another brand on the same physical network.

The main difference between MVNOs is that they do not have their own cell towers, base stations, or transmitters.

MVNO can be one of two types: either be an independent network with its own network code and have its own call routing, or it’s just a SIM card of a base operator with a different design.

Regardless of this, MVNOs can have their own autonomous network for sending short messages (SMS, RCS), or use the operator’s parent network.

Users often do not see the difference between MVNO and the brand of the main operator, they compare rates.

MVNO tariff plans are more profitable locally, but roaming tariffs are often more expensive than that of the parent operator.

MVNOs often change brands, in the column "Other names" table you will find the previous names of the virtual operator (if any).

In some cases, operators buy MVNO companies based on their network and merge the brand with their own. In this case, MVNO ceases to exist as a separate operator, and a new entry is added to the number of MCCMNC networks of the operator.

Obsolete, inactive and special types of mobile operators in Luxembourg

MCCMNCMCCMNCCarrierOther names
2700227002MTX Connect

broadband internet access services for travelers

2700727007Bouygues Telecom

government public transportation

2707827078PareteumInteractive digital media

sms/voice service provider

2708027080SyniverseSyniverse Technologies

mobile data roaming for CDMA subscribers

2708127081E-Lux MobileE-Lux Mobile Telecommunication


There are cases when mobile network codes are occupied not by mobile carriers, but government structures (military, railway, landline phone authorities), fixed and broadband internet providers, scientific organisations, etc. Some MCCMNCs belong to obsolete legal entities, acquired by other market players or went to bankruptcy, but codes are kept for a certain period for legacy purposes.

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How to send messages in Luxembourg


Create account

Sign up for Messaggio for free, no need credit card required

Create account

Register a Sender name

Choose a Sender name for SMS channel, usually it's a website address or brand

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Launch SMS messaging

Create an SMS campaign in Messaggio Dashboard, setup plugin or integrate an API

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Plugins & Modules

Easy integration without code! Try business messaging plugins for popular CRM, website and online shop management systems.

View plugins catalogue


Here are the 3 working steps on success

    I consent to Messaggio storing my submitted information in order to be able to respond to my request.


    Request a Demo

    Please provide some information about yourself to ensure an effective platform demonstration.


    Explore the Platform

    A Messaggio manager will contact you shortly to showcase the capabilities of the demo account and address any questions you may have.


    Start messaging

    Upon finalizing the details, you'll receive a tailored personal account, configured to meet your specific business needs.

    SMS messaging

    The most common communication channel, for both mass-sendings and trigger notifications.

    Viber Business Messages

    A wide range of business tools: in-app advertising, notifications and chat with clients in the messenger.

    WhatsApp Business API

    Chatting and interactive notification messages in one of the most popular instant messengers.