Mobile network code
MCCMNC 25012

(Tele2, Russian Federation)

Messaggio messaging platform provides high-quality SMS delivery channels to any mobile network worldwide and multichannel message routing to popular messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, RCS)

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25020 Tele2, Russian Federation

Other networks connected to Tele2, Russian Federation

MCCMNCMCCMNCCommentssend SMSsend Vibersend Whatsapp
2500325003NCC; Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications; Aline GSM (НСС; Нижегородская сотовая связь; Элайн GSM), acquired by Tele2 2014 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2500525005Mobile Comms System; ETK; Yeniseytelecom; RT-Mobile (ЕТК; Енисейтелеком; РТ-Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 2014 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2500925009Khabarovsky Cellular Phone; Delta Telecom (Хабаровский сотовый телефон; Дельта Телеком), acquired by Skylink 2008/Tele2 2014 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501025010 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501225012Baykal Westcom; BWK; BWC; Far Eastern Cellular; Ulan-Ude cellular; Sibirtelecom; AKOS (БайкалВестКом; БВК; Дальсвязь; Улан-Удэнская сотовая сеть; Сибирьтелеком; АКОС), acquired by Tele2 2014 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501525015SMARTS consisted of 15 networks, that were sold separately to MTS/Beeline/Tele2/MegaFon € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501725017USI; UTel; Uralsvyazinform; Ermak RMS (УСИ; Ютел; УралСвязьИнформ; Ермак), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501925019INDIGO; Volgograd Mobile; Altaysvyaz (Индиго; Волгоград GSM; Алтайсвязь), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2003-6 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2503825038Tambov GSM; Central Telecommunication Company (Тамбов GSM; Центральная Телекоммуникационная Компания), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2503925039USI; UTel; Uralsvyazinform; Ermak RMS; Apeks (УСИ; Ютел; УралСвязьИнформ; Ермак; Апекс), acquired by Rostelecom/Tele2 2011 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250805250805RTCOM (ртком), acquired by NCC, then Tele2 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250806250806Smolensk Cellular (Смоленская Сотовая Связь), acquired by Tele2 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250807250807ST Mobile (СТ Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250808250808Siberian Cellular Comms (Сибирская Сотовая Связь), acquired by Tele2 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250810250810Tatincom-T (Татинком-Т), acquired by NCC, then Tele2 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250811250811Votek Mobile (Вотек Мобайл), acquired by Tele2 2004 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2509825098Baykal Westcom; BWK; BWC (БайкалВестКом; БВК), acquired by Tele2 2014 € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405

Mobile virtual networks operators connected to Tele2, Russian Federation

MCCMNCMCCMNCNetworkOther namessend SMSsend Vibersend Whatsapp
2500625006Danycom Danycall, Дэни колл € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2501325013Lycamobile € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405 Astran, Астран € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250Rostelecom € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250TTK Mobile TransTeleCom, ТрансТелеКом € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250ER Telecom DomRu, дом.ru € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250Virgin connect Media Networks, Trivon Networks, MegaMax, МедиаСети, Тривон Нетворкс, МегаМакс, Центр абонентских расчетов € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250Central Telegraph CNT, ЦНТ € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250MS Spetstelecom request request request
2502625026VTB Mobile BS Telecom, БС Телеком € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2503725037MCN Telecom request request request
2504225042MTT Multiregional TransitTelecom, Межрегиональный ТранзитТелеком € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250Avia Mobile € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250Almatel 2COM, Cifra1, 2КОМ, Цифра Один € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250SunSIM € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
250NEXT Mobile € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2504825048V-Tell Global Telecom, Глобал Телеком € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2504925049Plusofon Internode, Runexis, Интернод, Рунексис request request request
2505025050SberMobile Sberbank-Telecom, Сбербанк-Телеком € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2505125051Center2m request request request
2505725057Matrix Mobile Matrix Telecom, Матрикс Телеком € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405
2506225062Tinkoff Mobile € 0.04460 € 0.03160 € 0.05405

Mobile operators users (Ths.)

Mobile market shares

Russian Federation on the world map

Country info

Country info
Country coderu
Calling code+7
Mobile number portability, MNPNo
Mobile country code, MCC250

Find more about messaging in Russian Federation

MCCMNC in Russian Federation

25001, 25002, 25006, 25008, 25011, 25013, 25018, 25020, 25026, 25027, 25032, 25033, 25034, 25035, 25041, 25042, 25043, 25044, 25045, 25047, 25048, 25050, 25052, 25057, 25060, 25061, 25062, 25099

Available messaging services in Russian Federation

  • 2FA (Two factors authentification)
  • OTP (One time password)
  • A2P (Application to persons)
  • P2A (Persons to application)
  • RBM (Rich business messaging)
Create account for SMS messaging