Mobile network code
MCCMNC 45618

(Cellcard, Cambodia)

Messaggio messaging platform provides high-quality SMS delivery channels to any mobile network worldwide and multichannel message routing to popular messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, RCS)

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45601 Cellcard, Cambodia

Other networks connected to Cellcard, Cambodia

MCCMNCMCCMNCCommentssend SMSsend Vibersend Whatsapp
4561845618CamGSM; Mfone € 0.01580 € 0.03039

Mobile operators users (Ths.)

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Cambodia on the world map

Country info

Country info
Country codekh
Calling code+855
Mobile number portability, MNPNo
Mobile country code, MCC456

Find more about messaging in Cambodia

MCCMNC in Cambodia

45601, 45602, 45603, 45608, 45611

Available messaging services in Cambodia

  • 2FA (Two factors authentification)
  • OTP (One time password)
  • A2P (Application to persons)
  • P2A (Persons to application)
  • RBM (Rich business messaging)
Create account for SMS messaging