Mobile network code
MCCMNC 72441

(Oi, Бразилія)

Messaggio messaging platform provides high-quality SMS delivery channels to any mobile network worldwide and multichannel message routing to popular messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, RCS)

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72431 Oi, Бразилія

Other networks connected to Oi, Бразилія

MCCMNCMCCMNCCommentssend SMSsend Vibersend Whatsapp
7241672416Brasil Telecom, acquired by Oi € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7242472424Amazonia Celular € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7242572425Telebrasilia Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7242772427Telegoias Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7242972429Telemat Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7243572435Telebahia Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7244172441Telpe Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7244572445Telpa Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7244872448Teleceara Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7245172451Telma Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7245372453Telepara Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7245572455Teleamazon Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7245772457Teleamapa Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074
7245972459Telaima Cel € 0.01071 € 0.01500 € 0.04074

Mobile operators users (Ths.)

Mobile market shares

Бразилія on the world map

Country info

Country info
Country codebr
Calling code+55
Mobile number portability, MNPYes
Mobile country code, MCC724

Узнайте больше об обмене сообщениями в Бразилія

MCCMNC in Бразилія

72401, 72402, 72405, 72410, 72415, 72417, 72418, 72431, 72432, 72436, 72437

Available messaging services in Бразилія

  • 2FA (Two factors authentification)
  • OTP (One time password)
  • A2P (Application to persons)
  • P2A (Persons to application)
  • RBM (Rich business messaging)
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